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Wellbeing Tools to Increase Innovation for Start-Up Entrepreneurs

Wellbeing Tools to Increase Innovation for Start-Up Entrepreneurs 21 NovembreNov 2019 16:00 - 18:00Living and Learning Center (LLC), Commons Room. Route de Collex 15, 1293 Bellevue


As the generation of start-up entrepreneurs wanting to create powerful solutions for sustainability, you need to be more creative and innovative than ever before in your ideas for products and services which challenge the status quo in competitive markets.

At this interactive workshop, learn how to use 3 core wellbeing tools, to increase your creativity, resilience and open up your capacity to innovate, as an entrepreneur who wants to make social impact as well as financial return on investment; apply these new tools to develop your own start-up ideas and enterprises.

Learn to:

- Use ‘wonder’ as a tool to be more creative in your start-up ideas.
- Generate more innovative solutions as we ‘hack flourishing’ by reverse-engineering businesses, explore the ‘wicked problems’ of supply chains and re-design around flourishing.
- Take the opportunity to test the tools on your existing ideas or solutions to increase their impact, or use the workshop to generate new ideas for how you will take action.

Workshop followed by apero.

Elaine France, Founder, Flow In Action; Dr Vlad Glaveneau, Director, Webster Center of Creativity & Innovation; Scott Poynton, Principal at Scott Poynton Sarl; Philippe Rudaz, Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD; Aurore Bui, Founder, SoftWeb; Andy Abgottspon, CEO,

Organisation: Webster University Geneva and Flow in Action

Date de début de l'événement L'événement se termine dans Événement expiré
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Living and Learning Center (LLC), Commons Room. Route de Collex 15, 1293 Bellevue


Impossible de trouver l'itinéraire !

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