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CHALLENGES OF CHANGE: The future of innovation in a disrupted world

CHALLENGES OF CHANGE: The future of innovation in a disrupted world 15 NovembreNov 2022 18:30 - 20:00IHEID, Maison de la Paix, Auditorium A1B, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, 1202 Genève

TechnologiqueTable ronde

As we enter a new era marked by concurrent crises and global challenges, how we work, innovate, and do business is facing dramatic change. Rising inequality, climate crises, and geopolitical risks are just a few of the factors disrupting business operations, growth, and the global economy. While technological advances power innovation, the speed of change is inherently disruptive. Both winners and losers are inevitable.


In this extremely challenging global context, successful entrepreneurs and workers will be those who can transform this disruption into an opportunity for innovation.


Considering how digital transformation is already impacting the workplace and labour markets, what are the challenges for innovation? How are innovation ecosystems navigating these turbulent waters? What are the implications for business, workers, and policy? And, in the future, how can tech-driven innovation drive inclusive and sustainable development?



Antonio Gambardella, Director, Fongit ; Katherine Milligan, Director, Collective Change Lab ; John Gikopoulos, Chief Innovation Officer, Head AI & Analytics, QUALCO Group and Dr Maria Mexi, Chair Digital Innovation - Global Excellence Network, Tech Hub, Geneva Graduate Institute


Moderated by Kitrhona Cerri, Executive Director, TASC Platform



Organisation: Tech Hub, Digital Innovation-Global Excellence Network I TASC Platform I Fongit | |


IHEID, Maison de la Paix, Auditorium A1B, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, 1202 Genève


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