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Four simple tools for great start-up marketing

Four simple tools for great start-up marketing 16 NovembreNov 2022 14:15 - 16:00Salle MR170, UNI MAIL- Bd du Pont-d'Arve 40, 1205 Genève

Gérer mon entrepriseWorkshop

In this workshop, Edward Boon and Mariana Alba of Webster University Geneva will explain four simple tools to help you develop an effective marketing strategy. These tools are: Customer Persona, Differentiation matrix, Value Proposition, and Customer Journey.


Each tool will be explained in a simple way, focusing only what is important. Participants are encouraged to share their own business ideas, which may be used as examples how the different tools could be applied.


Edward Boon, researcher and lecturer in marketing and entrepreneurship and Mariana Alba, lecturer in economic development and social progress, Webster University Geneva.

Dr. Edward Boon teaches marketing and entrepreneurship at Webster University Geneva. He developed his professional experience at Procter & Gamble, as well as several startup companies. Dr. Mariana ALBA is a professional with 20+ years of experience as a public relations officer in private business and international organizations in Argentina, Spain, Canada and Switzerland. During the last 10 years, in parallel with her responsibilities in academic programs in Marketing and Communication, she has dedicated herself to knowledge management and the execution of several projects related to corporate social responsibility, sustainability and social impact.



Organisation: Webster University Geneva


Salle MR170, UNI MAIL- Bd du Pont-d'Arve 40, 1205 Genève


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